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Magic 8 Years: Outlook Good! |
Fall 2015 |
I. Saint Alphonsus Festival of Trees
II. Idaho Smart Growth Awards
III. Treasure Valley YMCA
IV. City Club of Boise
V. Northwest Structural Engineers Association
VI. Structural Engineers Association of Idaho
VII. Project Aware: Lake Cleanup
VIII. Alpha Xi Delta
Existing Buildings:
1. Seismic Retrofit of San Francisco’s soft- story buildings
2. Historic building crack monitoring and remediation
3. As built drawings
4. Major tenant improvements
New Construction:
5. Multi-Building Commercial Facilities
6. Multi-Family Buildings
7. Medical Office Buildings
8. Elementary Schools

Sarah McClendon snuck in an amazing adventure to Roatan, Honduras to do some scuba diving and saw this eight legged cephalopod! |

We are thrilled to report that 2015 has seen a record number of Structural Engineering projects within walking and biking distance of our Hyde Park Boise office! Thank you for thinking local!
Why isn't October the Eighth Month?
An octagon has 8 sides, but October is clearly not the 8th month of the year.
Originally, there were ten months in the Roman calendar, which was basically a lunar calendar. The ten months were Martius (March), Aprilis (April), Maius (May), Iunius (June), Quintilis (Fifth), Sextilis (Sixth), September (Seventh), October (Eighth), November (Ninth), December (Tenth). The winter season was not assigned to any month, so the calendar year only lasted 304 days with 61 days unaccounted for in the winter between December and March. Those days were eventually split up into two months: January and February, thus confusing the month name with its position on the calendar.
One final note, Quintilis and Sextilis were renamed to honor Julius Caesar’s birth (in Quintilis) and Octavian Augustus’s conquests, which occurred during Sextilis. Now, we know them as July and August. It’s also why both months have 31 days- to honor Caesar and Augustus equally. The extra day needed to inflate the importance of August was taken from February.
Copyright ©2015 McClendon Engineering, Inc | Designed by McE, Inc
P: 208-342-2919
F: 208-331-4568
1303 W. Fort Street
Boise, Idaho 83702
Professional Engineering
Structural Consulting
LEED Accredited