McClendon Homepage
...because it's what's inside that counts!
McClendon Engineering has a broad experience of designing buildings and other structures utilizing a variety of construction materials; occupancy types; and building configurations.

Here are some highlighted projects engineered by key personnel of McClendon Engineering Inc.
    Old Idaho Penitentiary Dorms, ID
    Sand Point Train Depot, ID
    MHAFB Houses, ID
    Majestic Theater, ID
    Barber Park Administration & Maintenance
    Buildings, ID
    St. Mark's Catholic Church, ID
    Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, ID
    St. Joseph's School Addition, ID
    Thomas Jefferson Charter School, ID
    Rancho Carrillo Elementary School, CA
    Hastings, ID
    Shops at Emeryville, CA
    Remington Center of Norwalk, CA
    Shops at Newbury Park Place, CA
    OB/GYN Clinic, ID
    Evans Office Building, ID
    Cohiba Office/Warehouse, ID
    Treasure Valley Pediatrics, ID
    City Loft Apartments, ID
    Autumn Village II, NV
    Grace Assisted Living, ID
    Falcon Court Apartments, WA
    Orchard Park Townhomes, UT
    Alicante Apartments, CA
    Caledonia Station, ID
    Fontella's Ice Cream Parlor, ID
    Avimor Development Pump House, ID
    The Cliffs Development Pump House, ID
    Middleton Pump House, ID
    Garden City Pump House, ID
    Globe Community Building, AZ
    Corning Community Building, CA
    Nampa Airport Hangars, ID
    Caldwell Airport Hangars, ID
    Valley County Airport Hangars, ID
    Bresina Residence, ID
    Veterinary Medical Clinic, ID
    Seath Residence, ID
    Adams Street , ID
    Castlerock Apartments, ID
    Idaho Veterans Retaining Wall , ID
St. Joseph's School Addition
* Some projects designed by key personnel were started, or completed, in association with prior employment   with other engineering firms.

Professional Engineering | Structural Consulting | LEED Accredited
Arizona | California | Idaho | Montana | Nevada | Oregon | Utah | Washington | Wyoming

tel: 208.342.2919 fax: 208.331.4568 email us

©2025McClendon Engineering Inc.